How do I use the Multiroom Sync Playback feature?

How do I use the Multiroom Sync Playback feature?

Volumio can handle multiple devices in order to playback simultaneously the same music source up to 6 rooms (devices) on the same local network.


  • Go to the SETTINGS menu

  • Go to SOURCES menu

  • Make sure the Multiroom Playback is enabled



  • Click on the GROUPING icon, inside the OUTPUT MENU

  • Add your slave devices to the master player device in order to create a group (Green GROUPING icon will appear only on MASTER DEVICES)

  • If you want to create a different multiroom group go to SWITCH DEVICE section in order to change the master player device and repeat the same flow

You can create more than 1 group with more than 1 audio source.

Every single group can play different music sources.



  • Control the volume of each device from SWITCH DEVICE section

  • From there you can remove devices from the group

